One of the many strategies that the devil employs against the Lord and His truth is his attempt to corrupt the Word of God. It has always been the devil’s desire to corrupt God's truth. When he tempted Eve we see that strategy in operation:
[1] He first cast 'doubt' on the Word of God: Yea hath God said Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Genesis 3:1;
[2] Next he 'contradicted' the Word of God: Ye shall not surely die, v4;
[3] He then 'denied' the Word of God: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil, v5.
The devil has never left off that mode of operating against the truth of God. Sadly, when viewed from a purely human perspective it has to be acknowledged that his strategy seems quite successful. A corrupt Bible can do a great deal of harm and there are many of them about today!
[6] Then in 1611 The Authorised Version appeared. Fifty-four translators worked on this version for seven years. It was the most detailed and accurate translation that then existed.
The Authorised Version was itself revised in 1769, in which many small changes were made:
In the 1880s a new development/attack took place. A new English version appeared known as The Revised Version. The stated aim of The Revised Version's translators was twofold:
Therein lay the problem and the devil's concerted attack upon the Bible. The translators of The Revised Version wanted to adapt this new version "to the present standard of Biblical scholarship." They were not content with the theological teachings of the Scriptures as found in the Authorised Version.
This brings us particularly to the New King James Version. This further new version was conceived by Arthur Farstad, in 1975, when two meetings took place in Nashville and Chicago involving 68 interested people, most of them prominent Baptists but also including some conservative Presbyterians. Those invited to these meetings prepared the guidelines for what would become known in the future as The New King James Version. The New Testament was published in 1979, the Psalms in 1980, and the full Bible in 1982.
There have been several subsequent editions of The New King James Version. There have also been thousands of changes in these editions since 1982, when first published.
It is a common belief that The New King James Version involves merely an updating of the language of the Authorised Version and therefore with this new version you have the best of both world. You can have a faithful Bible text, with modern English.
However, that it not the case with the New King James Version, even though this was claimed by the publishers to be the reason for its production. The translators originally said they sought: To Preserve the Integrity of the Original in the Language of Today"…To preserve the authority and accuracy . . . of the original King James while making it understandable to 20th Century readers…To update with regard to punctuation and grammar; archaic verbs and pronouns… To up-to-date accuracy with regard to words whose English meaning has changed over a period of 3 1/2 centuries.
The translators didn't remain faithful to their original declared intention. There is always a problem wherever publishers of a new version of the Scriptures desires to obtain a copyright for that new version. Printing and selling Bibles is a very profitable business. There is a great deal of money to be made from printing and selling Bibles, especially of you hold the copyright for that particular version. However, in order to obtain a copyright the publishers must make sufficient changes to warrant claiming and obtaining a copyright. This requires, by itself, extensive changes to any new version. This requires translators and publishers to come up with sufficient changes, whether required or not for translation accuracy, in order to obtain a copyright. Without a distinct difference to other versions no copyright will be given. It is worth remembering that the Authorised Version is not copyrighted in the conventional sense. Permission can be obtained to print and sell Authorised Versions of the Scriptures.
The translators of The New King James Version went much further than updating the language:
It has been estimated that the New King James Version makes over 100,000 translation changes, which works out on average at over eighty changes per page and about three changes per verse! Neither is it surprising that the New King James Version is characterised by omissions. For example, there are:
[2] The translators also include a host of footnotes pointing out the differences between the text that underlies the Authorised Version and that which underlies, for example, the New International Version etc. This is giving the impression that the underlying Greek text of the Authorised Version is not reliable. What need is there for these footnotes unless some value is placed upon them? Here are their footnotes for Mark 16:9-20: Mark 16:8 NU-Text and M-Text omit quickly; Mark 16:18 NU-Text reads and in their hands they will; Mark 16:20 Verses 9–20 are bracketed in NU-Text as not original. They are lacking in Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus, although nearly all other manuscripts of Mark contain them. To include these footnotes is to cast aspersion upon the accuracy and reliability of the Greek text of the Authorised Version.
[3] The New King James Version demotes the Lord Jesus Christ. For example:
However, it is very important to distinguish in the Bible where the personal pronoun is singular or plural. Some obvious examples, one each from Old and New Testament:
[2] In Luke 22:31,32: And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren, the distinction between singular and plural is important as it tells us specifically who the Saviour was praying for. The Saviour makes it known to Peter than Satan desired to sift all the disciples and not just Peter. However, Peter was in particular danger and the Saviour assures him that He has prayed specifically for Peter.
There are many other places where this is observed as well.
The way they are presented in the actual text teaches the removal of the Holy Spirit from this world prior to the second coming of Christ. This is Dispensational teaching and part of the rapture teaching which Reformed believers utterly reject.
Every translation reflects the theological bias of those who work on the translation no matter the honesty and efforts they put in. The theological bias of the Authorised Version was evidently Calvinistic and Reformed and rightly so. However, the bias of the New King James Version is Arminian and Dispensational.
The Arminian tendencies can be easily observed. The original Authorised Version had chapter and subject headings. The Authorised Version translators wanted to draw attention to Christ in the Old Testament. These have all been removed by the translators of the New King James Version. Dispensationalists do not believe the sufferings of Christ, and His crosswork, are to be found in the Old Testament. They believe that the cross, and the Church for that matter, were an after thought with God, when the Jews rejected the offer of the kingdom at Christ’s first second coming.
The chapter headings they do use are confusing and misleading. Where the translators do put in chapter headings in the New Testament these can be confusing. Some examples:
[1] Romans ch 7. Their chapter summary says: Freed from the Law. Is the believer freed totally from the law? Does the believer now have no relationship with the law of God at all? This is Dispensational teaching. Is it not the case that a believer is freed from the condemnation of the law but not from the rule of the law as a pattern for life?
[2] Romans ch 8. Their chapter summary says: Free from indwelling sin. Is the believer freed totally from indwelling? This heading suggests that the believer has no more problems with sin. This is Arminian teaching. Is it not the case that the believer is freed from the indwelling power of sin in their lives but still has to contend with the temptations of sin. There is no perfection in this life.
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