Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Pope visiting the European Parliament

Pope Francis has today visited the European Parliament. His four hour visit to Strasbourg, the shortest made by any Pope abroad, has displeased some, who accused him of neglecting Europe. Many of Strasbourg's Roman Catholics were also upset that the Pope would not meet them or visit the city's cathedral. See here

Sadly there wasn't an Ian Paisley present today to remind him of his blasphemous claims as happened in 1998. Click on the image to view film footage of that event.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

The wrongs of Integrated Education for Bible Believers

Adapted from 'The Quiver', the e-newsletter of Newtownabbey Independent Christian School

A number of state schools in Northern Ireland are moving to 'Integrated' status. For some it is purely a mechanism to remain open and it is not that there is a strong conviction about the principles that underpin integrated eduction. A state primary with the Newtownabbey area is planning to move to be an integrated school in September 2015 for the sole reason of remaining open.

It is worth remembering that there are serious issues with integrated schools for Bible believing Christians:

1. These schools are profoundly ecumenical in character and ethos. They may profess to be 'Christian' in character, however, in reality, they are ecumenical schools.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Presbytery Statement on the death of Dr Ian R K Paisley



It is with deep sadness and regret that we have learned of the passing of Dr. Paisley, retired minister of our denomination and former moderator of the General Presbytery of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster.

We pay tribute to the many, many years of faithful Gospel ministry that Dr. Paisley exercised both in Northern Ireland and also farther afield. Under the hand of God, Dr. Paisley was mightily used of the Lord in the conversion of many to Jesus Christ. Throughout the Free Presbyterian Church at home and abroad and in various other Christian churches there are large numbers of people who recognise Dr. Paisley as the instrument God used to bring them to the Saviour.

We remember also the huge contribution that Dr. Paisley made to the foundation and formation of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster; and we salute his gifted leadership in his role as moderator of Presbytery over many decades.

We are grateful that through Dr. Paisley’s faithful and anointed preaching of God’s Word and the stand he took for Christ’s cause, the Spirit of God raised a Biblical witness against apostasy from Christ. And we thank the Lord that this witness for truth continues under the blessing of God to this day.

We publicly extend to his wife and family our sincere Christian sympathy on the home-going of their dear loved one. In their time of deepest loss, when their hearts are broken and grief-stricken, we assure them of our prayerful support. “…Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.” Isaiah 43:1-2.

On behalf of the General Presbytery of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster:
Rev. John Greer, Moderator 
Rev. Thomas Murray, Deputy-Moderator
Rev. Ian Brown, Clerk

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Dr Ian R K Paisley

Dr Ian R K Paisley passed away on Friday 12th September 2014. No better tribute can be paid to him than to remember the power of his preaching.

Here is a link to a Youtube file that contains a recording of Dr Paisley preaching 45 years ago on the subject of Fundamentalism versus Apostasy

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Matthew Henry's Six Principles of Bible Interpretation

This year [2014] marks the 300th anniversary of the death of Matthew Henry. He is most well known for his devotional Bible commentary. The first volume appeared in October 1706 while he was minister in Chester. In the preface to that first volume he wrote the following about the Word of God outlining six principles which governed him in all he endeavoured to write by way of exposition:

Though it is most my concern, that I be able to give a good account to God and my own conscience, yet, perhaps, it will be expected that I give the world also some account of this bold undertaking; which I shall endeavour to do with all plainness, and as one who believes, that if men must be reckoned with in the great day, for every vain and idle word they speak, much more for every vain and idle line they write. And it may be of use, in the first place, to lay down those great and sacred principles which I go upon, and am governed by, in this endeavour to explain and improve these portions of holy writ; which endeavour I humbly offer to the service of those (and to those only I expect it will be acceptable) who agree with me in these six principles:

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Church History Anniversaries

On Lord's day evenings during August DV a special series of messages will be preached marking Church history anniversaries during 2014

10th August 
1950th anniversary of the commencement of Emperor Nero's persecution against 1st century Christians. [AD64] 

17th August
300th anniversary of the death of Matthew Henry. [June 1714] 

24th August
300th anniversary of the birth of George Whitefield. [December 1714] 

31st August
100th anniversary of the ordination of Gresham Machen, the defender of orthodoxy at Princeton Seminary. [June 1914]

Monday, 7 July 2014

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 15

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part one
Study 5 - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part two
Study 6 - The Errors of Tongue Speaking
Study 7 - The Error of Faith Healing - Part one
Study 8 - The Errors of Faith Healing - Part two
Study 9 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part one
Study 10 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part two
Study 11 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part three
Study 12 - The Error of Claiming the Gift of Prophecy
Study 13 - The Errors of Claiming 'Words of Wisdom' and 'Words of Knowledge'
Study 14 - The Errors of Claiming the gifts of Discerning Spirits & Interpreting Tongues

Study Fifteen - The Errors of Claiming the gifts of Working Miracles
In bringing to a conclusion our consideration of the errors of the Charismatic Movement we are coming to dwell upon the claimed gift of working miracles. There are four aspects to the working of miracles:Casting out of devils
Taking up serpents
Able to drink poison
Raising the dead

These four aspects of working miracles were given in the New Testament church, cf. Mark 16:17,18: And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover; Acts 9:40: But Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down, and prayed; and turning him to the body said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up.

As we have already dealt with the errors of demon possession we are coming to consider the remaining three.

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 14

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part one
Study 5 - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part two
Study 6 - The Errors of Tongue Speaking
Study 7 - The Error of Faith Healing - Part one
Study 8 - The Errors of Faith Healing - Part two
Study 9 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part one
Study 10 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part two
Study 11 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part three
Study 12 - The Error of Claiming the Gift of Prophecy
Study 13 - The Errors of Claiming 'Words of Wisdom' and 'Words of Knowledge'

Study Fourteen - The Errors of Claiming the gifts of Discerning Spirits & Interpreting Tongues

1. The Errors of claiming the gift of Discerning Spirits. This gift is the claimed capability to distinguish whether it is God's Spirit, man's spirit or an evil spirit that is speaking through someone. An example of an evil spirit speaking through someone is said to be Peter when he was rebuked by the Saviour for suggesting that He should not go to the cross. The Lord Jesus said: Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men, Matt 16:23.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 13

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part one
Study 5 - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part two
Study 6 - The Errors of Tongue Speaking
Study 7 - The Error of Faith Healing - Part one
Study 8 - The Errors of Faith Healing - Part two
Study 9 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part one
Study 10 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part two
Study 11 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part three
Study 12 - The Error of Claiming the Gift of Prophecy

Study Thirteen - The Errors of Claiming 'Words of Wisdom' and 'Words of Knowledge'
Summary to date
There are nine gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 and these are sometimes divided into three classes with three in each class:
1. The Gifts of the Mind or Revelation:
• The word of wisdom.
• The word of knowledge.
• The discernment of the spirits.

2. The Gifts of Action or Power:
• The gifts of healing.
• The working of miracles.
• The gift of faith, that faith that moves mountains.

3. The Gifts of the Tongue:
• Prophecy.
• Speaking in tongues.
• Interpretation of tongues.

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 12

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part one
Study 5 - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part two
Study 6 - The Errors of Tongue Speaking
Study 7 - The Error of Faith Healing - Part one
Study 8 - The Errors of Faith Healing - Part two
Study 9 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part one
Study 10 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part two
Study 11 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part three

Study Twelve - The Errors of Claiming the Gift of Prophecy
A chief feature of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement is their claim that the gift of prophecy can be known today. Some would even go so far as to say that the reason the church has failed to carry out the Great Commission is because it neglected these supernatural gifts. They cite evidence showing rapid church growth wherever all the gifts of the Spirit are operational. One of these is prophecy.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 11

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part one
Study 5 - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part two
Study 6 - The Errors of Tongue Speaking
Study 7 - The Error of Faith Healing - Part one
Study 8 - The Errors of Faith Healing - Part two
Study 9 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part one
Study 10 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part two

Study Eleven - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part Three
In perusing this subject of 'Demon Possession' one more time we want to consider one further aspect, namely, the reasons why demon possession is greatly reduced today and why therefore we should not expect this type of activity to be as prevalent as in the days when the Saviour and the Apostles were on the earth.

This concept of the reduced activity of the devil in this way of possession is one that is evidently contrary to the prevailing opinion among many Charismatics today. They very much reject this viewpoint. However, as ever we must ask: what saith the Scriptures?

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 10

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part one
Study 5 - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part two
Study 6 - The Errors of Tongue Speaking
Study 7 - The Error of Faith Healing - Part one
Study 8 - The Errors of Faith Healing - Part two
Study 9 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part one

Study Ten - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part Two
1. The belief in Demon Possession is sadly an ever increasing phenomena among many Charismatics. They base their belief upon misapplied and misinterpreted passages of Scripture. For example:
[1] The commissioning of the disciples, Matthew 10:1,8: And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease; Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 9

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part One
Study 5 - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part Two
Study 6 - The Errors of Tongue Speaking
Study 7 - The Error of Faith Healing - Part One
Study 8 - The Errors of Faith Healing - Part Two

Study Nine - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part One
The next area of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement that needs to be considered is that of 'Demon Possession'. It is the belief of some within the Charismatic Movement that there are numbers of people who are possessed by demons. In making this type of claim these Charismatics will state that demon possession happens:
1. Both among the unconverted and the converted;
2. On a sliding scale, with some greatly possessed, while others are only slightly possessed;
3. Without people being aware that they are possessed by demons.

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 8

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part One
Study 5 - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part Two
Study 6 - The Errors of Tongue Speaking
Study 7 - The Error of Faith Healing - Part One

Study Eight - The Errors of Faith Healing - Part Two
Having considered the teaching of the Scriptures about the procedure that it lays down for present day healing there are some other important issues to consider around this subject:

1. Should a Christian ever be sick? There are some Charismatics who believe that sickness is not according to the will of God. They attribute sickness to two sources:
[1] It is the work of the devil generally, and the work of demons residing within us in particular. [We will deal with demon possession within Charismatic circles separately].
[2] It arises from sin in a believer's life. They make a strong connection between sickness and disobedience to God and argue that sickness is really a testimony that the sick person is knowingly engaging in some sin, that they need to repent off, if they are to see the sickness lifted.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 7

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part one
Study 5 - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part two
Study 6 - The Errors of Tongue Speaking

Study Seven - The Errors of Faith Healing - Part One
This seventh study brings us to the second major aspect of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement. Next to tongue speaking is the subject of faith healing. Does God heal people today from their physical sicknesses and illnesses by the means of a faith healer? Should the Church of Jesus Christ today expect and exercise a faith healing ministry?

The New Testament does speak of the gift of healing: To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret? 1 Corinthians 12:9,30. The Apostles and their immediate successors did have the power to heal people from physical sickness, even to raise people from the dead. Some examples:
1. Peter & John and the man at the Beautiful Gate, Acts 3:1-11;
2. The shadow of Peter passing by, Acts 5:12-16;
3. Peter healing Æneas and raising Dorcas from the dead, Acts 9:32-43;
4. Paul healing the crippled man at Lystra, Acts 14:8-10;
5. Paul and the handkerchiefs that were taken to the sick, Acts 19:11,12;
6. Paul healing the father of Publius and others, Acts 28:8-9.

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 6

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part One
Study 5 - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part Two

Study Six - The Errors of Tongue Speaking
In this study we begin to consider specific aspects of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement. We will commence with Speaking in Tongues. 

Tongue speaking is often looked upon as the sign of all sign gifts. Among many Charismatics, unless you speak with tongues you are not walking with the Lord nor filled with the Holy Spirit. Some may even go as far as to question whether you are a child of God if you do not speak in tongues. This puts intolerable pressure upon people within the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement. 

We must always keep before us the Scriptural truth that tongue speaking is not the primary sign of being filled with the Holy Spirit. [See Study Two] Anyone who argues thus is simply ignorant of the teaching of the New Testament. Power to witness for Christ is the New Testament sign of being filled with the Spirit.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

British Values are Bible & Christian Values!

The response of the Westminster government to the Islamic 'Trogan horse' scandal of schools in Birmingham, is to require that 'British values' are promoted in all schools. But this surely begs the question: what are 'British values'? Much discussion has ensued about the subject and the definition. Surely there is an argument for saying that British values must be Christian and Bible based values. The Government are doing their best to define 'British values' without any reference to the Bible or to our Protestant heritage and history. They will struggle to do so!

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Sixmilewater Revival - Ulster's Forgotten Revival

It has been classed as Ulster's forgotten Revival. It took place in 1625 along the Sixmilewater valley is south Antrim. The valley of the Sixmilewater runs from Larne, the river rising about four miles south west of Larne and passes through Ballynure, Ballyclare, Doagh, Templepatrick and Antrim into Lough Neagh.

Click on the picture of the Sixmilewater to watch a DVD about the Revival compiled by Mr Robert Campbell.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Is believing and teaching Creationism* Scientific? Part 2

*By Creationism we mean the belief in a literal six day creation of the world.

Here are two further reasons why believing and teaching Creationism is scientific [For Part One click here]:

3. Creationism is as scientific as evolution and we believe much more so. The belief in creationism and the belief in evolution stand upon similar foundations. To a considerable degree they are faith based beliefs.

If we think that this is not true about evolution then observe some words which appear in the introduction to one edition of Darwin's Origin of Species:
The fact of evolution is the backbone of biology, and biology is thus in the peculiar position of being a science founded upon a unproven theory - is it then a science or a faith? Belief in the theory of evolution is thus exactly parallel to belief in special creation - both are concepts which believers know to be true but neither, up to the present, have been capable of proof. [Found on page xi of the Introduction to an edition of The Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin, published in 1971 by J.M. Dent & Sons]

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Is believing and teaching Creationism* Scientific?

*By Creationism we mean the belief in a literal six day creation of the world. 

The evolutionist will emphatically say no. Belief in Creationism could never be equated with science, they say. The claim is often made that all scientists believe in evolution. For this reason the teaching of evolution must alone be permitted to enter the Science classroom. The study of Creationism is banished from the Science classroom and found only in the Religious Studies classroom.

Consider some salient facts:
I. Evolution simply doesn't have all the science on its side. That is a false claim they make!
There are eminent, present day, scientists who believe in a literal six day creation. A book entitled "In Six Days" was in recent years researched and published containing the views of 50 scientists who were asked to give their personal response to the question: "Why do you believe in a literal six-day biblical creation as the origin of life on earth?"

These 50 modern day scientists have all earned a Doctorate from a state-recognised university in the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Canada, South Africa, or Germany. These 50 scientists come from a variety of backgrounds. They include university professors and researchers, geologists, zoologists, biologists, botanists, physicists, chemists, mathematicians, medical researchers, and engineers.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Quotable Quote

Evangeline Booth, the daughter of William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, once said that intoxicating liquor:
Has drained more blood,
Hung more crepe,
Sold more houses,
Plunged more people into bankruptcy,
Armed more villains,
Slain more children,
Snapped more wedding rings,
Defiled more innocence,

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

The Destruction of Antichrist

Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony

A sermon preached at the March Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony Meeting

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Church History Anniversaries 2014

Pre-Reformation Times
1950th Anniversary
July 64 AD - The Roman Emperor Nero initiated a persecuting reign of state terror against the early Christian New Testament Church, whose members he executed with sadistic tortures.  

600th Anniversary
November 1414 - The Council of Constance convened in Germany. Before it closed, it ended the Great Schism by deposing three rival popes, executed reformers John Huss and Jerome of Prague, and condemned the teachings of the English reformer John Wycliffe.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Modesty of Behaviour and Dress

A sermon preached in Crossgar Free Presbyterian Church as part of their Foundations Conference

Friday, 30 May 2014

Let Evangelical Protestants be Evangelical Protestants

Pastor James McConnell of the Metropolitan Tabernacle in Belfast has gone and done it. He declared in a sermon that: “Islam is heathen, Islam is satanic, Islam is a doctrine spawned in hell”. Golly. Not since the Rev Ian Paisley got the boot into the pope as Old Redsocks and indeed as the Scarlet Woman herself have we heard anything quite so robust in the way of religious rhetoric. (Oddly enough, there was something almost lyrical about it; he had lovely cadences.) But the anti-popery tradition is 
precisely the context these remarks should be seen in. 

Evangelical Protestantism has a thing about false prophets; it also has a thing about telling it like it is. For most of its history it self-defined against Catholicism; Islam is just being judged by the same austere criteria of whether it accepts Jesus as a personal Lord and saviour…and I think it’s fair to say that it doesn’t.

To read the rest of the article click here - The Spectator

A ridiculous outburst by Anna Lo and her cohorts

The media are conducting a witch-hunt in Ulster in the wake of the comments made by Pastor James McConnell about Islam and certain aspects of Muslim behaviour.

It has become evident that there are those who believe that no criticism can be mounted against members of a minority community, irrespective of the conduct of some members of that community.

First Minister, Peter Robinson, came out in support of Pastor McConnell but then back-pedalled when the media raised a storm. Among those who were roped in by the media to support their cause was that pillar of democratic rectitude, George Galloway. He was the man who publicly backed Saddam Hussein!!

To read the rest of the article click - The Burning Bush - Online article archive

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Why no similar outcry when the Bible was recently mocked and Christians offended?

Recent days have witnessed an outpouring of condemnation directed towards Pastor James McConnell, minister of the Metropolitan Tabernacle in Belfast, over his comments in a sermon about Islam. We have had the 'former' IRA commander and Joint First Minister, Martin McGuinness, along with the moderator of the ecumenical Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Rev Dr Rob Craig, voicing their opposition. An assortment of others from the secular and ecumenical classes, including Alliance's East Belfast MP Naomi Long; MLAs Anna Lo, Alex Attwood, John O'Dowd and Danny Kinahan; Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary, Ivan Lewis, Northern Ireland Secretary, Theresa Villiers and Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Eamon Gilmore, have all come out to join in the chorus of condemnation as they castigate Pastor McConnell for his comments. When you have these types of individuals arrayed against you, what you say must indeed be the truth. A man is known by those who oppose him, as much as by his friends!

However, it is worth remembering that when the Bible was mocked and ridiculed a few months back in The Theatre at the Mill in Newtownabbey [For details click here] no such outpourings of condemnation were forthcoming from these individuals and their respective constituencies. At best, they stood by and were quite happy for the Bible to be mocked, without raising a single word of opposition. At worst, they insisted that the play must go ahead and the production must be allowed to mock the Bible in the name of free speech, civil liberties and a pluralist society.

Monday, 12 May 2014

A Sinister Development for Home Educators in Northern Ireland

There is presently a consultation running in all five Education & Library Boards in Northern Ireland regarding the issue of Home Education.

Presently it is any parent's legal right to educate their child[ren] outside the state system of education. This legal right permits independent schools to exist, such the Free Presbyterian schools, or a parent may desire to educate their child[ren] at home. The relevant legislation is to be found in section 45 of the: Education and Libraries Northern Ireland Order 1986 SI 1986/594: 
Duties of parents to secure full-time education for their children
45. (1) The parent of every child of compulsory school age shall cause him to receive efficient full-time education suitable to his age, ability and aptitude and to any special educational needs he may have, either by regular attendance at school or otherwise.
(2) The provisions of Schedule 13 shall apply to the enforcement of the provisions of paragraph (1) and a parent who contravenes the provisions of that Schedule shall be guilty of an offence and liable to the penalties provided by paragraph 4 of that Schedule

Where a local Education & Library Board believes that they have evidence that this is not happening they can intervene using Schedule 13 Enforcement of duty imposed by article 45.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

The Corruption and Perversion of Justice in Northern Ireland

The BBC, and other news agencies, are reporting that 95 of 228 republicans who have received the controversial comfort letters from the government have been linked to a staggering 295 murders associated with the Troubles in Northern Ireland. 

These comfort letters informed these republican terrorists that they were no longer wanted for terrorist crimes committed before the 1998 Good Friday Agreement. Some of these 95 individuals are described as being 'notorious', which means that they are known to the public. Read more here

This disturbing fact, revealed today by the Police Service of Northern Ireland, would suggest that some of them are politicians, possibly even sitting in government at Stormont! We are ruled over the by those who are grossly wicked. Sadly many, without an ounce of conviction or concern, love to have it so. 

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

What is wrong with the New King James Version of the Bible?

This is a synopsis of a sermon preached in Newtownabbey Free Presbyterian Church in March 2010

2 Corinthians 2 v 17: For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ. 

One of the many strategies that the devil employs against the Lord and His truth is his attempt to corrupt the Word of God. It has always been the devil’s desire to corrupt God's truth. When he tempted Eve we see that strategy in operation:
[1] He first cast 'doubt' on the Word of God: Yea hath God said Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Genesis 3:1;
[2] Next he 'contradicted' the Word of God: Ye shall not surely die, v4;
[3] He then 'denied' the Word of God: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil, v5.

The devil has never left off that mode of operating against the truth of God. Sadly, when viewed from a purely human perspective it has to be acknowledged that his strategy seems quite successful. A corrupt Bible can do a great deal of harm and there are many of them about today!

In modern times this strategy of the devil is carried forward by the plethora of corrupt versions of the Scriptures which appear on the market. Which version of the Scriptures we use is important. We do not want to be deceived by the devil and use a corrupt Bible. 

Friday, 25 April 2014

What is wrong with the English Standard Version?

This is a re-posting of the synopsis of a sermon preached back in May 2011 on the subject of the English Standard Version, which so many evangelicals so dearly seem to love. The audio of the sermon can be listened to on Sermonaudio by following this link.

What is wrong with the English Standard Version?
The English Standard Version, or the ESV as it is more commonly known, was first published in 2001. Since that time it has become quite a favourite among professing evangelicals, particularly among those of a Reformed persuasion, who wish for a variety of reasons to reject the Authorised Version.

The ESV is promoted as following in a long line of succession to other Bible versions. In this line of succession are: 
[1] The Revised Version (1881–85) 
[2] The American Standard Version (1901) 
[3] The Revised Standard Version (1946–1971) and then 
[4] The ESV (2001-). 

The ESV has subsequently undergone a minor revision in 2007. However, the publisher of the ESV has chosen not to identify the updated text as a second or revised edition; it is simply intended to replace the original ESV under the original name. At present, both revisions co-exist on the market.

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Freshly documented departure by Dr. Joel Beeke

Dr Joel Beeke has in the past associated with those whom he should not and has also failed to stand by comments made about so called Christian 'Rap' music and musicians.

Added to these are books which are being sold by his publishing outlet known as Reformation Heritage Books which promote erroneous versions of the Scriptures such as the New International Version [NIV] and the English Standard Version [ESV].

See here - Pastor Joel Beeke, through Reformation Heritage Books, Promoting Modern Bible Translations, Corrupt Teachers, and the United Bible Societies.

This is what the Trinitarian Bible Society has to say about these corrupt versions:
The English Standard Version

New International Version: What today's Christian needs to know about the NIV

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

A Contradiction in Terms

Ed Milliband, the British Labour Party leader, has described himself as a "Jewish Atheist'. On a recent visit to Jerusalem he professed that he does not believe in God, but that he does still have ‘faith’. He said: "I have a particular faith. I describe myself as a Jewish atheist. I’m Jewish by birth origin and it’s a part of who I am. I don’t believe in God, but I think faith is a really, really important thing to a lot of people. It provides nourishment for lots of people".

According to him this faith is perfectly compatible with being an atheist and gives him hope that he can ‘change the world’. He would be the first Jewish prime minister if he were to win the next election.

To describe himself as a "Jewish atheist" is a contradiction in terms. An anecdote is related by Dr Robert Steele, in his Exposition of the Shorter Catechism, of an ancient Prince who once asked his Chaplain to give him some clear evidence of the truth of Christianity in a few words. The Chaplain replied in four words, "The Jews, your Majesty!"

Saturday, 12 April 2014

The philosophies of world religions

Read this today in J. Sidlow Baxter's, Awake, My Heart:

The distinctive messages of the world's various religions and philosophies have been epitomised as follows:
Greece said: Be wise, know yourself;
Rome said: Be strong; acquit yourself;
Confucianism says: Be superior, correct yourself;
Shintoism says: Be loyal, suppress yourself;
Buddhism says: Be disillusioned, annihilate yourself;
Hinduism says: Be absorbed, merge yourself;
Mohammedanism says: Be submissive, yield yourself;
Judaism says: Be holy, conform yourself;
Psychology says: Be self-confident, fulfil yourself;
Materialism says: Be acquisitive, enjoy yourself;
Communism says: Be collective, secure yourself;
But in characteristic contrast to all these Christianity says: Be Christlike, give yourself for others.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

New FPC Government & Morals Blog

The new Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster Government & Morals Blog site is up and running.

It is often the case that statements are released by the Denomination about these issues and they are not carried in the Press or Media. Here is an opportunity to access those statements.

Click on this link - Government and Morals Committee (Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster)

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Failure to oppose a papal visit is a cowardly betrayal of Protestantism

It is reported on the BBC website that unionist members of Belfast City Council have abstained on whether to invite the pope to Belfast. See here. Part of the report reads:
DUP councillor Lee Reynolds said the motion presented by the SDLP "was essentially an election stunt and it wasn't a game we were willing to play". "They were wanting an insult and we weren't going to give them that, so we chose the path of abstention."

Ulster Unionist councillor Jim Rodgers, who had previously spoken out against issuing an invitation to the Pope, said he had decided to abstain after "giving the issue a lot of thought".

"I am concerned at the likelihood of trouble on our streets ... and I don't want any religious or civic leader coming here to find themselves offended and see violence on a large scale," he said

Belfast Newsletter - Robinson: if safe, Pope can visit

Failure to oppose such an invitation is a cowardly betrayal of Protestantism. This is politics without principle! Are they ashamed of being Protestants? Is it a fear of scorn by the religious and secular liberals that makes them abstain? Is it base political calculation that is at work? Or has the rot of ecumenism infected these politicans so much that they meekly refuse to stand up for truth and righteousness? It could be all these and more!

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 5

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part One

Study Five - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part two
Last time we considered some of the Scriptural arguments supporting the cessation of the New Testament supernatural gifts.

1. Scripture teaches the cessation of these gifts [cont'd]. A further truth taught in Scripture about the cessation of these gifts is -
5. These gifts were for a time when new revelation was being given. The Apostles were the channels through which the Lord would give further revelation unto His Church. God has worked in this fashion throughout history. When there was a change to the existing order of things, and a new advance was to be made, then the Lord accompanied that new form of revelation with signs and wonders.

Ken Ham: The Unbiblical ‘Noah’ Is a Fable of a Film

Russell Crowe

Leading creationist Ken Ham, who recently debated Bill Nye, says that the new blockbuster, starring Russell Crowe, is an insult to Christians: "Ultimately, there is barely a hint of biblical fidelity in this film. It is an unbiblical, pagan film from its start.

To read the rest of Ken Ham's review please click here

Saturday, 8 March 2014

It's Worth Remembering - Sin has no Rights!

The Office of First Minister and Deputy First Minister [OFMDFM] have announced a Sexual Orientation Strategy consultation which is set to begin next week and is designed to run for 12 weeks. For further information see here

It is worth stating that according to the Word of God sin has no rights. None at all! In fact the opposite is the case. Sin is to be punished and at times the perpetrator to be shunned and avoided. Sadly, this rule is applied in an ever diminishing number of cases. Even murderers are now welcomed into government with open arms in our society!

There are basic human rights that are common to all mankind. For example, the right to life; the right to fair and equal treatment before the law; the right of religious freedom and expression; innocent until proven guilty is another fundamental right; there are civil freedoms which are basic rights. These are just a few of the most obvious 'rights' that a human being is entitled to. 

Thursday, 27 February 2014

A Grubby Peace built upon Grubby Deals

Peace at any price, and peace without justice, isn't worth having. Sadly, peace at any price, and peace without justice, is what the people of Northern Ireland have had served up to them for the last decade and more. Sadder still is the fact that many in Ulster love to have it so.

The revelation that a sordid litany of amnesty deals have been agreed with IRA terrorists so that they can escape prosecution for their vile crimes is the latest revelation to surface to indicate the squalid nature of the 'Peace' that presently exists in Northern Ireland. See here.

What makes it all the more nauseating is that IRA/SinnFein, and their ilk, have been lobbying vociferously to have soldiers and policemen held accountable for their actions in lawfully combating terrorists during the Troubles. It is little wonder they can't keep the smirk off their face as they chuckle their way through government. 

Any peace process that involves buying off the terrorist; the subsequent elevation of these same terrorists to high government office and all the other concessions to the perpetrators of terror is immoral, unethical and unscriptural. Those who have long argued this to be the case are justified with every passing day in opposing what passes for government at Stormont.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Sunday Football

It was back in September 2013 that the possibly of international Sunday football was first mentioned. See here. UEFA, the European football governing body, indicated that they were taking control of arranging the fixtures of their qualifying competition rather than the countries themselves. This was part of UEFA's plans to maximise television revenue and exposure for the tournament. That change would inevitably bring about the situation where Northern Ireland would end up playing a home international fixture on the Lord's day.

For decades Sunday football was not allowed to be played in Northern Ireland at all. It was six years ago that the Irish Football Association decided to change that rule allowing teams to play on the Sabbath day. A few Irish League sides have done so, but not the international team.

Sabbath observance has been sacrificed once again on the altar of commercial advantage. This is the new god that is worshipped today!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Studies in the Westminster Confession of Faith - Chapter One - Part 7

Once a month since September 2010 at our midweek prayer meeting & Bible study we have been studying the Westminster Confession of Faith. This and subsequent posts DV overtime on the Blog will contain the notes which were handed out on each occasion. An audio recording of this study can be listened to on the Church's SermonAudio page - click here

Part Seven - Chapter One continued
We are coming to consider section 8 of the opening chapter of the Westminster Confession of Faith. It reads:
The Old Testament in Hebrew (which was the native language of the people of God of old), and the New Testament in Greek (which at the time of the writing of it was most generally known to the nations), being immediately inspired by God, and by His singular care and providence kept pure in all ages, are therefore authentical; so as, in all controversies of religion, the Church is finally to appeal unto them. But, because these original tongues are not known to all the people of God, who have right unto, and interest in the Scriptures, and are commanded, in the fear of God, to read and search them, therefore they are to be translated into the vulgar language of every nation unto which they come, that the Word of God dwelling plentifully in all, they may worship Him in an acceptable manner; and, through patience and comfort of the Scriptures, may have hope.
Proof Texts: Matthew 5:18; Isaiah 8:20; Acts 15:15; John 5:39, 46; 1 Corinthians 14:6,9,11,12,24,27,28; Colossians 3:16; Romans 15:4.

This eighth section of chapter one teaches:
1. The originals sacred text has come down to us in a state of essential purity.
2. The original Scriptures are the final court of appeal in all controversies of religion.
3. That the Scriptures should be translated into the common language of all people.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 4

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit

Study Four - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part one
While no one can deny that these supernatural gifts existed in the early New Testament Church, it is also undeniable that the Scriptures clearly teach that these gifts were to cease. Church history also clearly illustrates this to be the case.

1. Scripture teaches the cessation of these gifts. It is important to examine both the usage of these gifts in the Scriptures and the teaching of the Scriptures as to their future use.

[1] The dispersal of these gifts was limited to the Apostles and their immediate successors. The evidence of Scripture clearly points to the ability to perform these gifts being limited to the Apostles, their immediate successors or associates. Furthermore, while some of the successors/associates of the Apostles were able to exercise some of these gifts, they were not able to bestow their use upon others.

Philip is a classic example of this when preaching in Samaria. His preaching, and the exercise of these gifts, was met with considerable success, Acts 8:5-8: Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them. And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them: and many taken with palsies, and that were lame, were healed. And there was great joy in that city.

Monday, 10 February 2014

1859 Revival Series - No 6: The Heritage of the Revival

This is an outline of a series of sermons preached, one per month, January - June 2009, marking the 150th Anniversary of the 1859 Revival in Ulster

Previous posts:

Psalm 16:6: The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage.
The last subject we want to consider in remembering the mighty moving of God in 1859 is that of the Heritage or the Legacy of the Revival. Any work which is really of God will stand the test of time. If the Revival was all of the flesh, and not of God, then it would disappear as darkness does before the rising sun.

I believe we can see many evidences that the Revival was indeed of God and that its effects did last. No work of God continues for ever. God moves at a particular time and revives His cause and over time the decline sets in once again and there is need for the Lord to revive once again. That is why we read of the Psalmist praying: Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee? Psalm 85:6.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 3

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit

Study Three - The Purpose of New Testament Supernatural Gifts
Supernatural gifts most certainly did exist in the early New Testament church, in the days of the Apostles. These gifts are outlined for us in Mark 16:17,18; 1 Corinthians 12:8-10; Acts 9:40. They include the nine gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 which are sometimes sub-divided into 3 classes -

1. The three Gifts of the Mind or Revelation:
• The word of wisdom.
• The word of knowledge.
• The discernment of the spirits.

Northern Ireland's Attorney General dismayed by Supreme Court’s sodomite B&B decision

The Attorney General for Northern Ireland, Mr John Larkin has criticised the United Kingdom’s Supreme Court for finding against Peter and Hazelmary Bull who refused to rent a double room to a sodomite couple.

Mr Larkin said that November’s decision by the Supreme Court seemed to leave such Christians with the option of either leaving business or "being complicit in what the Christian must regard as deeply sinful".

To read full report on his comments click - Belfast Newsletter - Attorney General dismayed by top court’s gay B&B ruling

Friday, 31 January 2014

Video: Protesters claim show makes ‘a mockery of the Word of God’

Click on screen shot below to link to a short video clip of last night's protest

Free Presbyterian Protest

Last night around 70-75 Free Presbyterians protested against this offensive play at the Theatre at the Mill. A letter of protest was handed in outlining our unhappiness at the reversal of the decision to host this production and its play about the Bible [see below]. 

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Dirty Tricks by the Artistic Board over Offensive Play

A letter sent out yesterday on behalf of the chair, Councillor Billy Webb, of the Artistic Board, which oversees the Theatre at the Mill in Newtownabbey, makes it abundantly clear that the first vote to cancel this offensive play on Wednesday 22nd January, was purely a 'tactical' move by those determined to press ahead with this offensive production.

In explaining why events took the turn they did, Councillor Webb writes:
On Wednesday 22nd January, the artistic board voted tactically [emphasis mine] to withdraw the play from the programme. They had been shown a letter from a Councillor and member of the artistic board, which had been sent to the Chairman, appealing to him to stop the production. They were also made aware that, if they voted to keep the play in the programme, the likely outcome would be that, at a scheduled meeting of the council on Monday 27th January, the lay [sic] would be pulled.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Statement on behalf of the Caleb Foundation


The Caleb Foundation is a lobby group which seeks to represent the views of Evangelical Christians across Northern Ireland.

We welcomed the cancellation of the production ‘The Bible: the Complete Word of God’ by the Reduced Shakespeare Company, in response to concerns expressed by and to Councillors in Newtownabbey, and are greatly disappointed that this decision has now been reversed.

1859 Revival Series - No 5: The Impact of the Revival

This is an outline of a series of sermons preached, one per month, January - June 2009, marking the 150th Anniversary of the 1859 Revival in Ulster

Previous posts:

Psalm 126 v 2,3  - the Lord hath done great things
In returning to our series commemorating the 150th anniversary of the 1859 Revival we are coming to consider the Impact that the Revival had.

It has to be confessed that it certainly had a mighty impact around the country. Wherever the Revival fires burned individuals and wider society did not remain the same. They were changed and changed for the better. As in this Psalm it was the confession of both saints and sinners that the Lord had done great things.

Spiritually the Revival made a tremendous impact. Socially and morally the Revival also made a significant impact. It may well be argued that the Revival had a major impact politically as well. It laid the foundation for the resistance of the Home Rule Bills which were initially pushed by William Gladstone, the British prime Minister. Charles Stewart Parnell had been campaigning for Home Rule for Ireland since the 1870s. The first Home Rule bill was introduced in April 1886. It became the cry of northern Protestants that Home Rule was Rome Rule and would not be tolerated.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Call to Protestant Politicians to uphold Biblical values

The Evangelical Protestant Society yesterday released a statement calling upon Protestant Politicians to uphold Biblical values. It reads:
The Evangelical Protestant Society, as an evangelical umbrella organisation which seeks to defend and promote evangelical Protestantism in our changing society, has been concerned for some time about the gradual but steady erosion of Ulster’s Protestant foundations. We have therefore written to all Protestant and Unionist elected representatives at Stormont and Westminster to urge them to take a firm stand in two specific areas where we feel there has been slippage in recent times.
To read the rest of the statement click here.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Offensive play at Mossley Mill has been cancelled!!

Just heard this afternoon that the offensive play entitled: The Bible: The Complete Word of God (abridged) has been cancelled and will not now go ahead.

Welcome news indeed!!

Newtownabbey Times - Artistic Board axes controversial theatre show

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Offensive play at Mossley Mill

An offensive play is due to take at The Theatre at the Mill. It is entitled: "The Bible: The Complete Word of God (abridged)". See here

Here is the text of a letter sent to the Theatre Manager outlining our objections:
The Minister, Session and congregation of Newtownabbey Free Presbyterian Church wish to register in the strongest terms the grave offence that is caused to us by The Theatre at the Mill hosting the production entitled: "The Bible: The Complete Word of God (abridged)".

This particular production mocks the Bible which is the eternal Word of the living God. It also lifts up to ridicule, derision and scorn that which we hold in reverence. What makes this production even more offensive is that it is a parody of the truth contained in the Bible. To poke fun at that which we hold in high esteem and regard is grieving to us all and we believe also to many other evangelical Christians in other denominations. To mock that which others have respect and admiration for is the conduct of a playground bully or on this occasion the theatrical bully.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

51 abortions performed in Northern Ireland last year

Sadly, the number of abortions carried out in Northern Ireland has increased with 51 terminations performed in local hospitals last year an increase of 16 over the previous year.