The new Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster Government & Morals Blog site is up and running.
It is often the case that statements are released by the Denomination about these issues and they are not carried in the Press or Media. Here is an opportunity to access those statements.
Click on this link - Government and Morals Committee (Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster)
Free Presbyterian Government and Morals Committee, What are we about?
People often say that right and wrong are just a matter of opinion and that therefore there are no absolute moral standards.But can a society survive without a moral consensus? This is a vital question in our age of extreme individualism. Who decides what is moral?Can we still have moral values if there is no fixed moral reference point against which to judge right from wrong?
Lord Patrick Devlin, Justice of the High Court, Queen's Bench, from 1948-1960, and Lord of Appeal from 1961-1969, wrote that no society has yet solved the problem of how to teach morality without religion. He believed that the law of the land must base itself on Christian morals and, to the limit of its ability, enforce them for the compelling reason that without the help of Christian teaching the law will fail.
Lord Devlin further points out that the law, both criminal and civil, claims to be able to speak about morality and immorality generally. He says that, as a matter of history, it derived the moral principles it enforces from Christian teaching. They do not shift as they are revealed by God. Moral standards are not relative but absolute.
Christianity was once part of the law of the land. Today laws are changing and morals are deteriorating because their Biblical foundations are no longer accepted by our legislators and the courts.When a nation breaks with its Christian heritage it goes against its own welfare and societal health. According to the apostle Paul, the law of God was structured to give life (Romans 7:10). A departure from God's law makes society sick unto death.
This blog exists to spotlight those areas where our country is descending into the darkness of moral and spiritual bondage - and to call God's people to the exercise of earnest prayer and effective protest so that our legislators and populace may rediscover those Biblical foundations so vital to our nation's health.
"Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people" (Proverbs 14:34)
"If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" (Psalm 11:3)
The 'Government and Morals Committee' is an appointed board within the Presbytery of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster.
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