Wednesday 10 October 2018

A Good Day for Truth and Righteousness!

Click on image to read article in Belfast Newsletter

The Ashers Baking Company have today learned that they have won their case at the United Kingdom's Supreme Court. This is a good day for truth and righteousness!

The McArthur family, who run the Bakery, had won their case in the court of public opinion a long time ago when they were first taken to court by the iniquitous Equality Commission in Northern Ireland. Now they have legally won their case in the highest court of the land. The five justices on the Supreme Court were unanimous in their judgement.

It is no surprise to hear the liberals in the media and elsewhere whine and complain about the ruling. This is a set back for their intolerant agenda and they are not happy. In their utopian world everyone would be compelled to express support for that which God says is wicked and contrary to nature.

There are questions to be asked of the Equality Commission which has spent a small fortune of taxpayers money on pursuing the Ashers Baking Company through the courts. Some have already started to do this. See here for reaction to the verdict.

The president of the Supreme Court, Lady Hale, [pictured above delivering the unanimous verdict] stated:
Accordingly, this court holds that there was no discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation of Mr Lee or anyone else with whom he was associated.

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