Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Primark - the Fire and Support of the Sodomite Belfast Pride

… for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness, Isaiah 26:9.

Yesterday a serious fire broke out in the Primark building in the centre of Belfast. It is five-storey listed building which has stood in the centre of the city since 1785.

The building was undergoing a major refurbishment costing an estimated £30m. The building has been extensively damaged by the fire and at present the Fire Service is not able to say if the structure is safe. There are "grave concerns" that Bank Buildings could collapse, the fire service has told the BBC. See here

The 'bank building' as it has been known was originally erected by Waddell Cunningham in 1785. It survived the Troubles when three bombs exploded in the building in 1975. In 1979, the Bank Buildings were taken over by the present occupier, Primark.

Thankfully no one was injured and the building was safely evacuated before the fire spread. Although one person who was in the store has reported that when the fire alarm went off an announcement was made that it was just a routine alarm and that the shoppers would be allowed back in shortly. Parents left buggies and prams behind, as they were directed out of the shop, only to discover outside that the roof of the building was on fire and they were unable to re-enter the shop to claim their belongings.
Primark's Support of Belfast Pride
Primark was one of the most prominent sponsors of the sodomite Belfast Pride parade which took place in the city recently. A window display in the shop contained rainbow-draped mannequins and loudly proclaimed the store's links to Stonewall, the sodomite lobby group.

As would be expected, in this sinful age, this display brought much praise from the supporters of sodomy. One contributor to a Facebook discussion on the issue said: I have just finished writing an email to the manager of the store to just tell her that she is an amazing person and to thank Primark Belfast for the support in making a step forward to show that it is OK for other big chain businesses in Belfast so support Pride.

Another added: I applaud Primark for supporting a section of our community that is still not being treated equally in Northern Ireland. Now let's have all our major retailers set up their Pride displays too. There is no room in our society for bigotry and homophobia.

Complaints were received by Primark from Christians regarding the offensive window display. One aggrieved person said: My family and I will no longer be shopping in your store. The reason being, your company's very in your face support of the political movements that are Stonewall and Pride.

Another added: As a customer of Primark I'm writing to complain about your current shop front display. It is indeed offensive and should be removed immediately. Considering your current display is anti family then how do you expect to get trade from people who believe in marriage between one man and one woman. The complaint went on to say that the display was 'anti Christian' and against the teachings of the Bible.

Primark Unrepentent in its support of Belfast Pride
Despite numerous complaints Primark stated adamantly that it was sticking to its principles over its Belfast Pride window display. The complaints were simply brushed aside. The Rainbow flags and clothing celebrating the company's links with LGBT lobbying group Stonewall defiantly remained in place in the shop front. The company said they were proud to support Belfast Pride and LGBT lobbying group Stonewall. A spokesperson added: Primark’s position on LGBTQ rights is well-known and the company supports equality for all. It is proud to be supporting Pride, and proud of its partnership with Stonewall.
Time to Reconsider

Maybe today in the aftermath of the fire Primark will wish to reconsider that spirit of defiance. Nothing happens by chance in this world. It is surely no coincidence that a fire should virtually destroy this building in a matter of weeks. There is a God in heaven whose judgments are certainly to be found in the earth. At times He shows His displeasure as to the ways of men so that the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness, Isaiah 26:9. Yesterday's events should be another's of life's
salutary learning experiences that sin will one day be brought into judgment.

Repentance in needed in this evil day. The same repentance that was brought about by the preaching of the Gospel, by the Apostle Paul, in the city of Corinth many years ago. Paul could later write to those in Corinth who had repented and say:
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.

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