… for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness, Isaiah 26:9.
Yesterday a serious fire broke out in the Primark building in the centre of Belfast. It is five-storey listed building which has stood in the centre of the city since 1785.
The building was undergoing a major refurbishment costing an estimated £30m. The building has been extensively damaged by the fire and at present the Fire Service is not able to say if the structure is safe. There are "grave concerns" that Bank Buildings could collapse, the fire service has told the BBC. See here
The 'bank building' as it has been known was originally erected by Waddell Cunningham in 1785. It survived the Troubles when three bombs exploded in the building in 1975. In 1979, the Bank Buildings were taken over by the present occupier, Primark.
Thankfully no one was injured and the building was safely evacuated before the fire spread. Although one person who was in the store has reported that when the fire alarm went off an announcement was made that it was just a routine alarm and that the shoppers would be allowed back in shortly. Parents left buggies and prams behind, as they were directed out of the shop, only to discover outside that the roof of the building was on fire and they were unable to re-enter the shop to claim their belongings.
Primark's Support of Belfast Pride
Primark was one of the most prominent sponsors of the sodomite Belfast Pride parade which took place in the city recently. A window display in the shop contained rainbow-draped mannequins and loudly proclaimed the store's links to Stonewall, the sodomite lobby group.