Under the heading Organising accommodation for residentials the advice reads [click see to read the entire advice]:
It is important to work with trans people when organising accommodation rather than making assumptions or arrangements without consulting them.
Sharing accommodation - young trans members should be able to share accommodation with other young members if they wish. Some people may not feel comfortable sharing accommodation so in this case an alternative option should be provided. This should be done discreetly, in conversation with the young person and, if appropriate, their parent or carer.
Using facilities - the use of gendered facilities, such as toilets, can cause anxiety. Members are entitled to use the facilities of the gender that they self-identify as. [Emphasis mine]
Privacy when changing - a young person may wish to have more privacy when changing at a residential event and for activities too. Alternative, more private areas should be made available to all young members - including trans members - should they wish or request it.
This updated guidance entitles those who are born biological male to use the facilities of the gender that they self-identify as. Therefore any boy who identifies as a girl will be allowed to use the toilets, changing rooms, tents and showers of their choice.
Hide this practice from parents
Furthermore Girl Guide leaders have been advised not to tell parents if their daughters will be required to share toilets, changing, accommodation and showers facilities with boys. Such are the protections afforded to those who are transgender that they trump the rights of parents to know what is happening to their children.
The Guide Association caters for girls from the age of 5-25. There are four groupings: 5-7 year olds (Rainbows), 7-10 year olds (Brownies), 10-14 year olds (Guides) and 14-25 year olds (Seniors).
This new guidance means that, a 25-year-old biological male who now identifies as a female could share the same facilities as a 15-year-old girl and that without her parents’ knowledge. In fact the Girl Guides' advice is to conceal this fact from parents.
Wickedness in the extreme
This is wickedness in the extreme and horrendous to think about. It is just asking for trouble. The Christian Institute reports that even those who have no Biblical principles are unhappy with this new guidance. It reports [see here] that Julie Bindel, who is a Feminist campaigner, has expressed her alarm, saying: The concern that I and many feminists have about boys invading bedrooms, tents and showers, is that disproportionately the victims of sexual violence are girls and women, and overwhelmingly, the perpetrators are boys and men…This signifies the end to girl-only space and the safety of girls in single-sex organisations.Girls are in danger from sexual predators with this new guidance. It is not only feminists who would have these concerns but any right thinking person would also be alarmed at such practices being implemented by the Girl Guides. A sad and sorry harvest will be reaped by the unscriptural and immoral views and practices of this present age, Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption…, Galatians 6:7,8.
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