Monday, 5 December 2016

No Pope Here! Why? #3 The Memory of the Martyrs.

History furnishes abundant proof of the crimes committed against those who would not bow the knee to the Pope and his Church. The memory of the martyrs would compel us to resist a papal visit.

The Papacy is the institution that has put an untold number of martyrs to death. Rome hasn’t changed one iota. She would do the same today if she could get away with it. Therefore we continue to resist the Pope’s claims and say No Pope here.

The Protestant Echo, away back in July 1903 reckoned that since the rise of the Papacy 50,000,000 people had been put to death in various ways for their religion by the end of the 19th century.

Many of the most horrendous crimes against humanity have been committed by the Church of Rome throughout the history of her existence. Her persecution of Protestants and other 'heretics' is the inevitable result of her belief in the absolute power and infallibility of the Pope. Persecution is the natural outgrowth of these Papal dogmas.

Rome has a long history of terror in our own nation. There were hundreds of Protestant martyrs who lost their lives at the hand of popish rulers in this United Kingdom. There are scores of martyrs sites all over England.
The most barbaric period was during the reign of bloody Queen Mary 1553 -1558. During her reign, she repaired the severed relationship with Rome and returned England to Catholicism. Many Protestants opposed Mary’s actions. Many of those Protestants were exiled, and nearly 300 dissenters were burned at the stake, earning the Queen the nickname of ‘Bloody Mary’.

Through the centuries a lengthy list can be complied of Papal terror. Take for example:
1. The crusade of Pope Innocent III against the Albigenses in 1208. This last for several years and  was a war of extermination making it one of the bloodiest in history. 

2. The persecution of John Wycliffe, who was known as the "Morning Star of the Reformation". So bitterly was Wycliffe pursued by his Papal foes, that a number of years after his death his very bones were exhumed, burnt by the Church of Rome, and their ashes scattered on the river Swift. 

3. The burning at the stake of the Bohemian Reformer John Huss by the Council of Constance in 1415. This took place in spite of the Emperor's guarantee of safe conduct. It was declared that "faith need not be kept with heretics!" The death of Huss was followed in the next year by the martyrdom of Jerome of Prague, who was also burnt at the stake. 

4. Savonarola was put to death at Florence in 1498, because he fearlessly denounced the wickedness of Pope Alexander VI, and earnestly sought the reformation of the Church. 

5. The pursuit unto death of William Tyndale for no other crime than translating the Scriptures into the language of the common people so that the ploughboy in England and elsewhere could read the Word of God in his native tongue.

6. In the 30 years between 1540 and 1570 no less than 900,000 Protestants were put to death by Papal authorities in different countries of Europe. During the four-year reign of Pope Paul IV (1555-59), the Inquisition alone killed 150,000. Upon his death the people of Rome assembled at the prison, broke open the doors, releasing 1,700 prisoners and set fire to the building.

7. In England 300 Protestants were burnt in three years by 'Bloody Mary'. Seventeen of these martyrs were burned at Lewes and became known as 'The Lewes Martyrs'.

8. In Paris, on St. Bartholomew's Day in 1572, 30,000 Huguenots [French Protestants] were massacred at the command of Pope Pius V. The Pope so rejoiced at the news of what had taken place that he had a special 'Te Deum' sung and had a medal struck, inscribed with his name and the words 'Strages Ugonotorum', which translates as 'The Slaughter of the Huguenots'.

9. In the Netherlands The Duke of Alva's 'Council of Blood' was responsible for the cruel death of thousands of faithful believers. The Pope had prayed for the success of this crusade and sent the Duke a consecrated hat and sword.

10. During thirty different times of persecutions by the Papal powers against the Waldensians in the Alpine mountains of France and Italy they determinedly kept the faith.

11. History records the horrendous abuses and the executions of the dreaded Papal Inquisition, which spread terror over Europe for 300 years. In Spain alone 31,000 people were burnt alive and 291,000 imprisoned. It is estimated that in the sixteenth century no less than 900,000 Protestant martyrs laid down their lives for Christ.

The reign of papal terror throughout Europe can be sourced by reading John Foxe's Book of Martyrs and J A Wylie's History of Protestantism. 

The memory of the martyrs would compel us to resist any papal visit by the Pope. 

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