Friday, 24 June 2016

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh!

The lamenting of the political classes today over the vote to leave the European Union reminds us that there is a God in heaven whose will is done. 

I am reminded of the words of Psalm 2:4: He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

I was sent these words by email this morning. There are from a hymn written by Anne Steele. They certainly express the thoughts of many Christians at a time like this. 

See, gracious God, before Thy throne Thy mourning people bend;
'Tis on Thy sovereign grace alone our humble hopes depend.
Tremendous judgments from Thy hand, Thy dreadful power display:
Yet mercy spares this guilty land, and still we live to pray.

Great God! and why is Britain spared, ungrateful as we are?
Oh, make Thy awful warnings heard while mercy cries, Forbear!
What numerous crimes increasing rise through this apostate isle;
What land so favoured of the skies, and yet what land so vile?

How changed, alas! is truth Divine for error, guilt, and shame!
What impious numbers, bold in sin, disgrace the Christian cause!
Oh, turn us, turn us, mighty Lord, by Thy resistless grace!
Then shall our hearts obey Thy Word, and humbly seek Thy face.

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