Monday, 16 December 2013

Another panellist apologies to 'Christian Rap' musicians

This is now becoming an epidemic! Another panellist who was involved in the discussion on 'Christian reformed rap' has apologised. This time it is Geoff Botkin. Although to be fair he qualifies his apology somewhat. 

This is what Geoff Botkin originally had to say about 'Christian reformed rap' when taking part in the panel discussion:Yes, amen to that. Do not be conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. And what concerns me about this this so-called art form - it's a picture of weakness and surrender on the part of people who think they're serving God. And they're not. They’re serving their own flesh. They’re caving into the world. They are disobedient cowards. They're not really willing to engage in the fight that needs to be engaged. Scott, thank you for saying that. If we are reformers we are going to change and fully redeem and replace the world. We're not going to make ourselves friends of the world and enemies of God. And so this is what concerns me about anytime Christians, in a cowardly way, follow the world instead of changing it and confronting it. And confronting the antithesis. And we need be doing this in every every possible art from - including film, including other kinds of music. And so, Scott, just to summarise: Reformed rap is the cowardly following of the world instead of confronting and changing it.
Geoff Botkin has now somewhat repudiated these comments. Here is the wording of his apology:
I need to apologize for the unintended offense and confusion of my comments on disobedient cowardice. I certainly do not believe that all of today’s Christian rappers are cowardly. My most sincere apologies go to anyone out there who was hurt by my strong language. While I do hold concerns about the use and misuse of rap, my words were not directed at any particular artist. My greater concern is for the broad cultural conformity and compromise that is not limited to reformed rap.

This is very disappointing. To speak the truth and contend for the faith will always raise opposition. The Christian must be willing to bear reproach for the sake of Christ and His truth. We must be willing to stand apart as taught in Hebrews 13:13: Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach.

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