Sunday, 28 July 2013

Free Presbyterian missionary attacked in Liberia

On Tuesday 23rd July, Rev David DiCanio, Free Presbyterian missionary, was attacked in Liberia.

Sermonaudio - FPC Missionary Assaulted and Robbed in Liberia
ThinkGospel - Missionary Robbed in Liberia

There follows a report and request for prayer, sent out by the FPC of North America Mission Board:
Dear Brethren
I am writing to inform you of a serious incident in Liberia in the early hours of Tuesday morning. At 3:15am Rev. David DiCanio was awakened by sounds coming from the kitchen and when he went to investigate he was confronted by two men with machetes who had entered the property through the kitchen window. Two more men were in the process of coming in the same way. They had ripped the steel bars from the windows. When David appeared they demanded money and stole a considerable amount of dollars from his double safe. They hit him with the blunt edge of the machetes, though he did not suffer serious physical injury. They also stole a number of David’s personal items. Before they left they forced David into a closet and demanded that he remain there. During the ordeal he felt he was going to lose his life. Once David was convinced that the men had left his house he immediately made his way across the compound to the building where Joanne Greer lives. She was not aware of the break in or of any of the trauma that had unfolded and was completely unharmed. David’s truck had been tampered with but they were able to drive out of the compound in Joanne’s vehicle and make their way to friends in the neighbourhood. The chief of police was called and arrived approximately an hour later with police officers. They arrested three men who worked as watchmen in the compound, though there is no further information on the ongoing investigation. 

The FPCNA Mission Board has been very conscious of the need for secure accommodation for our missionaries and has endeavoured to put as many safeguards as possible in place. The perimeter wall was completed on Monday though the gate was not yet secured. The Mission Board convened an emergency meeting via Skype on Tuesday afternoon. We were able to speak with David and unanimously passed various proposals to help our missionaries at this very trying time. We will reimburse David for the personal items that he has lost. These include his wallet and its contents, camera, laptop and passport. We have also approved to cover the cost of alternative accommodation in the short term for both of our missionaries. Furthermore we have approved the hiring of a reputable security firm for a period of time in order to secure the property and have permitted David to take immediate steps to proceed with other security measures as are appropriate including making payments to contractors at the bank and not on the property itself.

As a Mission Board we covet the prayers of the Lord’s people for David and Joanne. This is the first time anything of this nature has been experienced by them in Liberia and it is extremely distressing. Pray that God who is our refuge and strength will strengthen his servants and enable them to continue with the work that he has called them to.

Our building work in Liberia is not yet completed. The foundations of the second house are in place though there are great financial needs that must be met if it is to be completed. Please pray that these needs would be met soon. We may need in excess of $60,000.00US. This incident emphasises the need for very secure accommodation so please join us prayerfully and practically as we continue to press ahead with our missionary endeavour in this very need land

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