Saturday, 19 January 2013

The Importance of the Church Prayer Meeting

It has often been said that a Church is as strong and useful for God as its prayer meeting is. Is the prayer meeting well attended? Is there a spirit of believing prayer among the people?

Sadly oftentimes the prayer meeting is the least attended meeting in the church's weekly schedule of meetings and activities. Yet, the prayer meeting is the powerhouse of the Church! The story is told that when visitors would come to C H Spurgeon's Metropolitan Tabernacle, in London, he would take them to the prayer-room where people were always on their knees interceding. Spurgeon would then declare: Here is the powerhouse of this church!

Spurgeon regarded the prayer-meeting as the spiritual thermometer of any church. His church's Monday night prayer meetings were widely spoken of for many years. Every Monday night a large portion of Spurgeon's sanctuary was filled with earnest and fervent intercessors.

Spurgeon was a man of prayer himself. Throughout his entire ministry many hearers remarked that they were moved by his preaching, but yet still more affected by his praying. The famous American evangelist D. L. Moody, upon returning home after his first visit to England, was asked: Did you hear Mr Spurgeon preach? Moody replied: Yes, but better still I heard him pray.

At our 60th anniversary services in Newtownabbey FPC, on Lord's day 6th January 2013, Rev Reggie Cranston, a former minister of the congregation, preached upon the text: For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them, Matthew 18:20.

The link to the sermon is included below and is well worth a listen as it will both encourage and challenge us about the place that the prayer meeting has in the life a Christian and in the life of any evangelical church.

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