Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Over a dozen reasons why the argument for Exclusive Psalmody doesn't stand up, Part 15

15. Singing Psalms which make mention of musical instruments

It would be very insteresting to know whether exclusive Psalmist sing all the 150 psalms of the Psalter? This question is asked in the light of the numerous places in the Psalter where mention is made of singing accompanied by musical instrument, either in the title, which is part of the inspired record or in the Psalm itself.

The metrical version of the Psalms omits the inclusion of the inspired titles of the Psalms and yet makes the claim that the metrical version is a faithful translation of the original. How can the metrical version be described as a faithful translation when it omits the inspired titles of many of the Psalms? In many cases where an inspired title is given to the Psalm it forms verse 1. There is actually one verse more in the Hebrew Bible than in the Authorised Version or the metrical version. At least the Authorised Version includes the title separately, whereas the metrical version omits it altogether!

Would this omisison have anything to do with the fact that in a number of these inspired titles there are specific commands given to sing the Psalm with the accompaniment of musical instruments?

Monday, 21 January 2013

Over a dozen reasons why the argument for Exclusive Psalmody doesn't stand up, Part 14

14. The metrical translation of the Psalms is not an accurate translation. 

The 150 Psalms of Scripture are Hebrew poetry. There are written in prose and not in metre. For the Psalms to be sung in congregational worship today they have to be changed to metrical rhythm. In doing so there are many changes that take place. 

Numerous additional words are added to suit the particular metre to which the Psalm is set. A very obvious example of this can easily be referenced. The longest of all the Psalms in the Bible is Psalm 119.  If you paste the words of the English translation from the Authorised Version into a word processing document and do a simple word count, it will tell you that there are 2,621 words in the English translation of this particular Psalm. Do the same with the Scottish metrical version of Psalm 119 and the word count is 3,090. The Scottish metrical version of Psalm 119 has an additional 469 extra words! Amazingly, almost twenty percent of the metrical version is made up of additional words as compared with the Authorised Version!

Saturday, 19 January 2013

The Importance of the Church Prayer Meeting

It has often been said that a Church is as strong and useful for God as its prayer meeting is. Is the prayer meeting well attended? Is there a spirit of believing prayer among the people?

Sadly oftentimes the prayer meeting is the least attended meeting in the church's weekly schedule of meetings and activities. Yet, the prayer meeting is the powerhouse of the Church! The story is told that when visitors would come to C H Spurgeon's Metropolitan Tabernacle, in London, he would take them to the prayer-room where people were always on their knees interceding. Spurgeon would then declare: Here is the powerhouse of this church!

Thursday, 17 January 2013

The Most Dangerous Minister of All!

Please listen to this excellent and timely sermon preached by Pastor Ralph Ovadal, minister of Pilgrims Covenant Church, in Monroe, Wisconsin, on who is the most dangerous minister of all.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Over a dozen reasons why the argument for Exclusive Psalmody doesn't stand up, Part 13

13. Scottish Presbyterianism has not always believed in Exclusive Psalmody. 

The impression is often given that adhering to exclusive psalmody is being true to our Scottish Presbyterian roots. To adopt any other position is therefore portrayed as a denial of this rich heritage that we enjoy. 

This is the furtherest from the truth and a gross misrepresentation of the practices and beliefs of Scottish Presbyterianism over the centuries. 

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Holding to the Old Paths

The quote below is taken from the writings of Charles Hodge, [1797-1878] who spent a considerable time labouring for the Lord at Princeton Seminary. He was the second Principal of the Seminary after the venerable Archibald Alexander. Charles Hodge so esteemed his predecessor that he named his son, Archibald Alexander Hodge, [A.A. Hodge] after him. 

In 1929 this renowned Seminary seriously departed from the old paths and forged a new way. It is a pity they didn't listen to one of their own:

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Dr Joel Beeke's latest compromises

Please read this article written by Ralph Ovadal, pastor of Pilgrims Covenant Church, Monroe, Wisconsin. It is entitled:

[Click on the title for the link]

It makes sad reading to learn of the array of New Calvinists, Romanists, feminists, Seventh-day Adventists etc that Joel Beeke is in association with by speaking at conferences where those who hold these views are included. How is this in keeping with the Scriptural teaching on separation?

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

The Importance of Sabbath Observance

William Wilberforce had this to say about keeping the Sabbath day holy:
Oh what a blessed day is the Sabbath, which allows us a precious interval wherein to pause, to come out from the thickets of worldly concerns and give ourselves up to heavenly and spiritual concerns. Observation and my own experience have convinced me that there is a special blessing on a right employment of these intervals. Oh what a blessing is Sunday, interposed between the waves of worldly business like the divine path of the Israelites through Jordan. There is nothing in which I would recommend you to be more strictly conscientious than in keeping the Sabbath holy. By this I mean not only abstaining from all becoming sports and common business, but from consuming time in frivolous conversations, paying or receiving visits, which among relations often leads to a sad waste of this precious day. I can truly declare that to me the Sabbath has been invaluable.