Monday, 21 February 2011

Why we use only the Authorised Version of the Scriptures Part 1

This year marks the 400th anniversary of the completion and publication of the Authorised Version of the Bible. This mammoth task was commenced in 1603 and completed in 1611.

Nowadays in virtually every Christian Bookshop you enter you are meet with an array of versions of the Bible. There are a plethora of modern translations which have in the last century flooded unto the market. In most shops there is the Authorised [King James] Version, the New International Version, the Good News Bible, the New English Bible, the Revised Standard Version, the American Standard Version etc.

These new versions are supposedly produced with the professed intention of making the Scriptures more up to date and more modern. There are arguments about words and phrases and terminology. One claim the supporters of these modern translations make is that they are supposed to make the Scriptures more understandable and more easily acceptable.

However the question to be asked is: does it matter which of these versions an individual chooses to buy and read? After all are they not all the same with only variations in the use of words? Will it aid and assist someone in their understanding and acceptance of the Scriptures to use these modern translations?

They are not all the same. There is a fundamental difference between the Authorised Version and these others which we have mentioned. A difference so great that it takes these other versions outside the pale of what can be called a faithful copy of the Holy Scriptures.

In the Free Presbyterian Church we use only the AV. Not only that but we oppose the use of any other version of the Scriptures in the English language. We believe that the AV. is the most faithful English translation of the original manuscripts. Why should we change that which is most faithful to the original and use something inferior.

I. The importance of this subject
This is not a matter of personal taste. The issues involved go far beyond mere personal preference. It is vitally important that we have the true Word of God from error and corruption.

It is important because of the use and purpose of the Scriptures. Because of man’s fall into sin, we has lost the ability to discern and understand the God of heaven from the natural revelation, Psalm 19:1-6.

God in His mercy purposed to redeem a people to Himself but natural revelation will never reveal to man that glorious truth of saving grace. It is only by that special revelation which God has given in His Word that will bring man to a knowledge of his need and an understanding that salvation is found in Christ alone, Psalm 19:7-14, Romans 10:17.

It is this Book which reveals Christ as the only Saviour of sinners. It reveals the work which Christ has done. It reveals the need of saving faith in Christ alone. It is the Scriptures which do this. Any corruption of these things will therefore be fatal.

It is important because of the attack that will be mounted against God’s Word. Paul indicates the reality of this in 2 Cor 2:17: For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ. Note what he teaches:
[1] Many will interfere with the Scriptures. 
[2] This interference will lead to the corruption of the written Word. ‘Corrupt’ = to adulterate [to water down]. 
[3] This was prevalent in Paul’s day. 

With the corruption of the Scriptures will come the corruption in the Church. We have got to realise that the Bible forewarns us of an attack upon the Scriptures. The modern form of that attack is seen in the glut of modern translations. There are the devil’s attack upon the Word of God.

To be continued

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