Monday, 25 April 2016

Jehovah's Witnesses Belief About Death Erroneous

There is a great deal of interest and comment regarding the death of the musician known as Prince and his connection with the cult known as Jehovah's Witnesses.
One of their belief is that the body must be cremated within one week of his death.

There are many other unorthodox beliefs which this cult espouses. It is worth remembering that the doctrine of eternal punishment was one of two doctrines that Charles Taze Russell, the founder of Jehovah's Witness, refused to accept when he was among the Presbyterians and Congregationalists in his early years.
The teaching of Jehovah’s Witnesses on the subject of death and the after life is but perpetuating  Charles Taze Russell's prejudice against the Word of God. 

Friday, 15 April 2016

Letter Sent Regarding Blasphemous Play

Back in November 2015 a blasphemous production entitled 'The Gospel According to Jesus, Queen of Heaven' was shown as part of the Queer Arts Festival in Belfast. This vile Arts festival was funded by a number of public bodies such as:
The Arts Council, which distributes funds from the National Lottery, 
Belfast City Council, 
The Department of Culture Arts and Leisure, 
The Department of Social Development and 
The Public Health Agency.

Below is the letter of objection that sent on behalf of The Free Presbyterian Government and Morals Committee of Presbytery taking issue with the content and the funding of such wickedness directed at the person of Jesus Christ.

We write on behalf of the Government and Morals Committee of the Free Presbyterian Church to express our outrage that public money has been used to fund a blasphemy against our Lord Jesus Christ. 

The Committee felt it needed to express protest at the blasphemy in the play, "The Gospel According to Jesus, Queen of Heaven" performed on November 15 at the Outburst Queer Arts Festival in Belfast. In this play the Lord Jesus Christ is portrayed as a transsexual. The preview of the play on the Outburst festival website described how in the play there is a "revolutionary queer ritual in which bread is shared, wine is drunk and familiar stories are re-imagined by a transgender Jesus."

To read the rest of the letter click on this link- Letter objecting to Blasphemous Play

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Fighting Against Blasphemy

The Government and Morals Committee of Presbytery have been engaged in on-going correspondence with government departments and other bodies on the moral issues of the day.

In November last year a play was staged as part of the Outburst Queer Arts festival in Belfast called, “The Gospel According to Jesus, Queen of Heaven" The preview of the play on the Outburst festival website described how in the play there was a "revolutionary queer ritual in which bread is shared, wine is drunk and familiar stories are re-imagined by a transgender Jesus."

The Bible reveals the Lord Jesus Christ as the King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s and the eternal Son of God. The title “Queen of Heaven” is only used in the Bible in the book of Jeremiah to describe a heathen goddess whom God condemned. Furthermore the Bible teaches that homosexuality and transgender is sin. The play was a blasphemy against the Saviour whom we love and serve.

The Government and Morals Committee contacted various government departments and bodies who were listed as having sponsored this play. Among those contacted were, the Arts Council, which distributes funds from the National Lottery, Belfast City Council, The Department of Culture Arts and Leisure, The Department of Social Development and the Public Health Agency.........

To read the rest of the Blog article click on this link to Government and Morals Committee (Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster)

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Quotable Quote

Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right and almost right. C. H. Spurgeon

Saturday, 2 April 2016

C. H. Spurgeon on 'Compromise'

Charles Haddon Spurgeon contended much against compromise during his ministry. Here is an extract from one of his sermons entitled "No Compromise".

It was based upon the words of Genesis 24:5-8: And the servant said unto him, Peradventure the woman will not be willing to follow me unto this land: must I needs bring thy son again unto the land from whence thou earnest? And Abraham said unto him, Beware thou that thou bring not my son thither again. The Lord God of heaven, which took me from my father’s house, and from the land of my kindred, and which spake unto me, and that aware unto me, saying, Unto thy seed will I give this land; he shall send his angel before thee, and thou shalt take a wife unto my son from thence. And if the woman will not be willing to follow thee, then thou shalt be clear from this my oath: only bring not my son thither again.

This sermon was preached on Lord's day morning 7th October 1888. It is sermon number 2047 and appears in Volume 34 of Spurgeon's sermons. 

This is the suggestion of the present hour: if the world will not come to Jesus, shall Jesus tone down his teachings to the world? In other words, if the world will not rise to the church, shall not the church go down to the world? Instead of bidding men to be converted, and come out from among sinners, and be separate from them, let us join with the ungodly world, enter into union with it, and so pervade it with our influence by allowing it to influence us. Let us have a Christian world.

To this end let us revise our doctrines. Some are old-fashioned, grim, severe, unpopular; let us drop them out. Use the old phrases so as to please the obstinately orthodox, but give them new meanings so as to win philosophical infidels, who are prowling around. Pare off the edges of unpleasant truths, and moderate the dogmatic tone of infallible revelation: say that Abraham and Moses made mistakes, and that the books which have been so long had in reverence are full of errors. Undermine the old faith, and bring in the new doubt; for the times are altered, and the spirit of the age suggests the abandonment of everything that is too severely righteous, and too surely of God.

Joel Beeke's Compromise Continues Unabated

Over recent years a lengthy charge sheet has emerged detailing Joel Beeke's compromise. That compromise continues unabated and unchecked. 

In a recent article entitled: The Downward Spiral of Dr. Joel Beeke’s Ministries Continues, Ralph Ovadal, Pastor of Pilgrims Covenant Church, Monroe, Wisconsin details Joel's Beeke's ongoing associations with new evangelicals, Romanists, Orthodox 'Christians,' Seventh Day Adventists, apostate Protestants, feminists, evolutionists, and even 'gay Christians'. 

It is a documented fact that Joel Beeke has joined in preaching and teaching fellowship with all of them! [Click on the link above to read this sorry tale of departure]

There might be an impression of scholariness cultivated but there is certainly no spirit of discernment or obedience to Scripture present. It is not intellectualism and a generation of well educated and supposedly well read academics that the Church of Jesus Christ desperately needs today, but rather a race of preachers who preach and practice separation. Something Joel Beeke simply doesn't do!