Monday, 7 July 2014

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 15

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part one
Study 5 - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part two
Study 6 - The Errors of Tongue Speaking
Study 7 - The Error of Faith Healing - Part one
Study 8 - The Errors of Faith Healing - Part two
Study 9 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part one
Study 10 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part two
Study 11 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part three
Study 12 - The Error of Claiming the Gift of Prophecy
Study 13 - The Errors of Claiming 'Words of Wisdom' and 'Words of Knowledge'
Study 14 - The Errors of Claiming the gifts of Discerning Spirits & Interpreting Tongues

Study Fifteen - The Errors of Claiming the gifts of Working Miracles
In bringing to a conclusion our consideration of the errors of the Charismatic Movement we are coming to dwell upon the claimed gift of working miracles. There are four aspects to the working of miracles:Casting out of devils
Taking up serpents
Able to drink poison
Raising the dead

These four aspects of working miracles were given in the New Testament church, cf. Mark 16:17,18: And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover; Acts 9:40: But Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down, and prayed; and turning him to the body said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up.

As we have already dealt with the errors of demon possession we are coming to consider the remaining three.

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 14

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part one
Study 5 - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part two
Study 6 - The Errors of Tongue Speaking
Study 7 - The Error of Faith Healing - Part one
Study 8 - The Errors of Faith Healing - Part two
Study 9 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part one
Study 10 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part two
Study 11 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part three
Study 12 - The Error of Claiming the Gift of Prophecy
Study 13 - The Errors of Claiming 'Words of Wisdom' and 'Words of Knowledge'

Study Fourteen - The Errors of Claiming the gifts of Discerning Spirits & Interpreting Tongues

1. The Errors of claiming the gift of Discerning Spirits. This gift is the claimed capability to distinguish whether it is God's Spirit, man's spirit or an evil spirit that is speaking through someone. An example of an evil spirit speaking through someone is said to be Peter when he was rebuked by the Saviour for suggesting that He should not go to the cross. The Lord Jesus said: Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men, Matt 16:23.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 13

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part one
Study 5 - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part two
Study 6 - The Errors of Tongue Speaking
Study 7 - The Error of Faith Healing - Part one
Study 8 - The Errors of Faith Healing - Part two
Study 9 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part one
Study 10 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part two
Study 11 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part three
Study 12 - The Error of Claiming the Gift of Prophecy

Study Thirteen - The Errors of Claiming 'Words of Wisdom' and 'Words of Knowledge'
Summary to date
There are nine gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 and these are sometimes divided into three classes with three in each class:
1. The Gifts of the Mind or Revelation:
• The word of wisdom.
• The word of knowledge.
• The discernment of the spirits.

2. The Gifts of Action or Power:
• The gifts of healing.
• The working of miracles.
• The gift of faith, that faith that moves mountains.

3. The Gifts of the Tongue:
• Prophecy.
• Speaking in tongues.
• Interpretation of tongues.

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 12

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part one
Study 5 - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part two
Study 6 - The Errors of Tongue Speaking
Study 7 - The Error of Faith Healing - Part one
Study 8 - The Errors of Faith Healing - Part two
Study 9 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part one
Study 10 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part two
Study 11 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part three

Study Twelve - The Errors of Claiming the Gift of Prophecy
A chief feature of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement is their claim that the gift of prophecy can be known today. Some would even go so far as to say that the reason the church has failed to carry out the Great Commission is because it neglected these supernatural gifts. They cite evidence showing rapid church growth wherever all the gifts of the Spirit are operational. One of these is prophecy.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 11

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part one
Study 5 - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part two
Study 6 - The Errors of Tongue Speaking
Study 7 - The Error of Faith Healing - Part one
Study 8 - The Errors of Faith Healing - Part two
Study 9 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part one
Study 10 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part two

Study Eleven - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part Three
In perusing this subject of 'Demon Possession' one more time we want to consider one further aspect, namely, the reasons why demon possession is greatly reduced today and why therefore we should not expect this type of activity to be as prevalent as in the days when the Saviour and the Apostles were on the earth.

This concept of the reduced activity of the devil in this way of possession is one that is evidently contrary to the prevailing opinion among many Charismatics today. They very much reject this viewpoint. However, as ever we must ask: what saith the Scriptures?

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 10

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part one
Study 5 - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part two
Study 6 - The Errors of Tongue Speaking
Study 7 - The Error of Faith Healing - Part one
Study 8 - The Errors of Faith Healing - Part two
Study 9 - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part one

Study Ten - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part Two
1. The belief in Demon Possession is sadly an ever increasing phenomena among many Charismatics. They base their belief upon misapplied and misinterpreted passages of Scripture. For example:
[1] The commissioning of the disciples, Matthew 10:1,8: And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease; Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 9

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part One
Study 5 - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part Two
Study 6 - The Errors of Tongue Speaking
Study 7 - The Error of Faith Healing - Part One
Study 8 - The Errors of Faith Healing - Part Two

Study Nine - The Errors of Demon Possession - Part One
The next area of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement that needs to be considered is that of 'Demon Possession'. It is the belief of some within the Charismatic Movement that there are numbers of people who are possessed by demons. In making this type of claim these Charismatics will state that demon possession happens:
1. Both among the unconverted and the converted;
2. On a sliding scale, with some greatly possessed, while others are only slightly possessed;
3. Without people being aware that they are possessed by demons.

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 8

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part One
Study 5 - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part Two
Study 6 - The Errors of Tongue Speaking
Study 7 - The Error of Faith Healing - Part One

Study Eight - The Errors of Faith Healing - Part Two
Having considered the teaching of the Scriptures about the procedure that it lays down for present day healing there are some other important issues to consider around this subject:

1. Should a Christian ever be sick? There are some Charismatics who believe that sickness is not according to the will of God. They attribute sickness to two sources:
[1] It is the work of the devil generally, and the work of demons residing within us in particular. [We will deal with demon possession within Charismatic circles separately].
[2] It arises from sin in a believer's life. They make a strong connection between sickness and disobedience to God and argue that sickness is really a testimony that the sick person is knowingly engaging in some sin, that they need to repent off, if they are to see the sickness lifted.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 7

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part one
Study 5 - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part two
Study 6 - The Errors of Tongue Speaking

Study Seven - The Errors of Faith Healing - Part One
This seventh study brings us to the second major aspect of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement. Next to tongue speaking is the subject of faith healing. Does God heal people today from their physical sicknesses and illnesses by the means of a faith healer? Should the Church of Jesus Christ today expect and exercise a faith healing ministry?

The New Testament does speak of the gift of healing: To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret? 1 Corinthians 12:9,30. The Apostles and their immediate successors did have the power to heal people from physical sickness, even to raise people from the dead. Some examples:
1. Peter & John and the man at the Beautiful Gate, Acts 3:1-11;
2. The shadow of Peter passing by, Acts 5:12-16;
3. Peter healing Æneas and raising Dorcas from the dead, Acts 9:32-43;
4. Paul healing the crippled man at Lystra, Acts 14:8-10;
5. Paul and the handkerchiefs that were taken to the sick, Acts 19:11,12;
6. Paul healing the father of Publius and others, Acts 28:8-9.

Errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement Part 6

These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement

Study 1 - Introduction
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part One
Study 5 - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part Two

Study Six - The Errors of Tongue Speaking
In this study we begin to consider specific aspects of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement. We will commence with Speaking in Tongues. 

Tongue speaking is often looked upon as the sign of all sign gifts. Among many Charismatics, unless you speak with tongues you are not walking with the Lord nor filled with the Holy Spirit. Some may even go as far as to question whether you are a child of God if you do not speak in tongues. This puts intolerable pressure upon people within the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement. 

We must always keep before us the Scriptural truth that tongue speaking is not the primary sign of being filled with the Holy Spirit. [See Study Two] Anyone who argues thus is simply ignorant of the teaching of the New Testament. Power to witness for Christ is the New Testament sign of being filled with the Spirit.