These posts stem from a series of fifteen studies conducted, in our Youth Fellowship meetings, at the request of the young people who attend, dealing with the errors of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement
Study 2 - The Infilling of the Spirit
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part One
1. Scripture teaches the cessation of these gifts [cont'd]. A further truth taught in Scripture about the cessation of these gifts is -
Study 4 - The Cessation of New Testament Supernatural Gifts - Part One
Study Five - The Cessation of New Testament supernatural gifts - Part two
Last time we considered some of the Scriptural arguments supporting the cessation of the New Testament supernatural gifts.
1. Scripture teaches the cessation of these gifts [cont'd]. A further truth taught in Scripture about the cessation of these gifts is -
5. These gifts were for a time when new revelation was being given. The Apostles were the channels through which the Lord would give further revelation unto His Church. God has worked in this fashion throughout history. When there was a change to the existing order of things, and a new advance was to be made, then the Lord accompanied that new form of revelation with signs and wonders.