Friday, 13 September 2013

Northern Ireland may be forced to play football on a Sunday

Thankfully there has been a reluctance to play football on a Sunday in Northern Ireland over the years. The rules were changed some time ago to permit Sunday football but few Football Clubs have taken up the option.

There is, however, a possibility that Northern Ireland may be forced in future to play Sunday football by UEFA, during the the 2016 European Championship group stages.

To read further details see Belfast Telegraph.

To read other articles on this Blog about Sabbath Observance, see here.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Recommended Sermon

Studies on the Family -

The whole series on the Family, so far, can be viewed here

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Scriptural Observations on the issue of Abortion

Abortion is the murder of the unborn plain and simple! The Scriptures make the following observations about the unborn:

I. The unborn child is described as a person in Scripture
The unborn child is not somehow less a person because it is yet unborn. That is what secular society seeks to say. They use terms about an unborn child that dehumanises and depersonalises the unborn and portrays them as a mere form of matter. They never talk about the unborn child in human terms. It is called an 'embryo' or 'foetus'. It might not be deliberately done by all but that is part of the reasoning behind it with many pro-abortion campaigners. This type of terminology gives the impression that somehow the unborn child is not to be looked upon as a full human being that has not yet reached the stage of being a person. But in God’s Word that is not how the unborn child is considered.

"Without natural affection"

It has been reported that the Crown Prosecution Service [CPS] have decided that it is not in the 'public interest' to bring criminal charges against doctors who were caught out performing 'gender abortions'.

Doctors who agreed to arrange illegal abortions, based on the sex of an unborn baby, have been told by the CPS that they will not now face criminal charges, despite prosecutors admitting that there is sufficient evidence to take them to court.  The CPS has been accused of failing to uphold the law regarding this failure to prosecute the two doctors who were exposed in an undercover Daily Telegraph investigation, see here.

Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary in the Westminster government has raised the case with the Attorney General.

For background and other links to this particular issue see here