Monday, 23 February 2009

Special series marking the 150th anniversary of the 1859 Revival

Newtownabbey Free Presbyterian Church

First Lord's Day of each month January - June 2009
at 7.00 pm

Preacher: Rev Brian McClung

The Need of the Revival

The Origin of the Revival

The Spread of the Revival

The Features of the Revival

The Impact of the Revival

The Heritage of the Revival

Sunday, 1 February 2009

The Newtownabbey Times carries my criticism of cross community carol service

The Newtownabbey Times has finally carried a much watered down article outlining my criticism of the cross community carol service which took place in Glengormley Methodist Church. I had initially written a letter which they have not published but only quoted a few lines.

They evidently don't want to rock the ecumenical boat too much!

The 1859 Revival preceded by a banking collapse

It became known as 'The Bank Panic of 1857'.

Prior to the third Great Awakening in America in 1857-58 there was a collapse of the banking system in America that also spread to Europe. Due to the long, hard winter of 1856-1857, transportation and trade transactions were delayed. The spring of 1857 brought some relief, but by the end of summer, businesses had begun to collapse. Before September 1857, the Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company of Cincinnati, with a branch in New York City collapsed causing panic.

Some banks refused to redeem their promissory notes, while others suspended operations altogether, including eighteen of New York City's leading banks. On 14th October, 1857, the extensive banking system of the United States collapsed bringing ruin to hundreds of thousands of people in New York, Philadelphia, Boston, and the industrial centres of the nation.

The Panic caused rich men to go broke literally overnight. Suicide and murder increased, and people roamed the streets of the cities destitute.

May there be a parallel with our times and 1857 in more than just a banking crisis. May the Revival that followed this banking crisis in America and which came across to Ireland come again in the aftermath of the financial crisis that is presently being experienced in 2009.

Letter sent out from the General Assembly in 1858 on the subject of Revival

Due to the news of the Great Awakening in America 1857-1858 and the initial stirrings of the Holy Spirit in the district of Connor in 1858 the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church discussed the subject of Revival when they met in Londonderry in June 1858.

As a follow up a pastoral letter was sent to every minister, elder and member. It is well worth reading as it contains a challenge to each individual to personally seek for Revival. True Revival is more than the conversion of the lost. It is the putting right of matters among the professing people of God.

Here is a short extract from that letter:
What then are we to do? How are we to seek an awakening among ourselves? Not certainly by mere imitation of the American meetings; not by any mechanical process of new and laborious measures, productive of little else than a transient and barren excitement; not by any instrumentality apart from individual consecration of the heart and life unto God.

Dear Brethren, if you really wish to see a solid permanent work of God advancing amongst us, begin with your own souls. Seek a revival there. When you complain as sometimes you do, of the low state of the church, you are generally disposed to look away from home for an explanation. You are prone to find fault with ministers and elders with the Synods and Assemblies. You seldom think of estimating your own particular share in the amount of the our general delinquency. Let every member of the Church put away the beam from his own eye, and then shall he see clearly to take the mote from his brother's eye.

Again look to the state of religion in your own households. What have you to say of family prayer? Of family catechising? Of your efforts to bring up your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord? Put away the strange gods that are among you, if you would be prepared to meet and to hold communion with the Lord.

Further, consider that as members of the Church you are sacramentally pledged to be fellow-labourers in Christ for the emancipation of your fellow-countrymen from the bondage of Satan and of sin, and for the establishment of the kingdom of God over the whole earth… Beloved brethren, we have much to do in our own hearts, much to do in our own homes, much to do in our own Church, much to do in our own country. Let us regard these as our primary duty.
May the Lord indeed help us to take heed to ourselves!